Just as business-to-consumer emails have huge potential to drive sales and profit growth, business-to-business emails can encourage your consumers to take a chance with your company. Your email marketing program can be an efficient way to attract more clients, but it also has the potential to become yet another unread email in an overpacked inbox. Starting a B2B email marketing campaign needs to be a well-oiled machine, and Digital Solutions can help you build that machine.
DO Be Thoughtful with Your Subject
Along with the sender, your subject line is the first thing that your recipient is going to see. Every subject line that you send out to your readers should be crafted in such a way that will convince them to open the email and read. Without a strategy for creating amazing subject lines, you’re going to be in a situation where you can send out eloquent emails that won’t be read.
DON’T Pack Too Much into One Email
In a busy world, where 205.6 emails are sent out every single day, the people who receive your emails are very unlikely to read an entire wall of text. The goal is not to send the entire content piece in the body of the message. Instead, you should create a concise email that allows the reader to quickly skim and get to the point of the message. If they value your business enough to open your email, reward their loyalty by using as few words as possible to direct them to the goal of the email.
DO Optimize for Mobile
Stone Temple reports that approximately 55.7% of all email traffic comes from mobile devices. Think about how often you check your email on your phone versus when you check it on your desktop. It’s pretty likely that once you leave the office for the day, you don’t even log into your email on your home computer. Instead, the simplicity of push notifications allows you to quickly and easily access your email client without dealing with a clunky computer. Your business contacts are the same. Be sure that whatever you’re sending in your email is accessible from a mobile browser.
DON’T Forget the Content
The whole point of sending a marketing email is to direct your readers to your website with the promise of interesting content. Whether it’s an artistic video featuring your stage or a well-written article promoting a new product, content should be king. There’s no point in sending an interesting email if it doesn’t convince the reader to pay a visit to the site, where they can complete sales or contact your company to discuss a partnership.