Before you ever publish your site or make a social media post, you need to have a repertoire of excellent blog content to back you up. Check out our first post on marketing for beginners to find out why you need a marketing plan!
It begins with nailing down exactly what keywords your demographic will be searching for. Using search engine optimization tools, you can determine what the most popular words being typed into search engines are. This allows Google to start ranking your content. Potential clients and customers are more likely to click on your site when it’s on the first page of results. Generally speaking, they’ll find what they’re looking for within the first 10 results that come back with their search term.
It’s not enough, though, to simply create boring with great keywords. You have to draw in the interest of the reader. Often, companies use their social media to promote their blog content. This is a great idea. Once a reader clicks the link to read a full blog post, they’ll actually be on your site, looking at your products and services. If your blog posts aren’t interesting, you’re not going to get the click-through that you’re hoping for.
As if this process doesn’t seem complicated enough, you have to think beyond words. With technology at its current state, consumers want multimedia productions to draw their attention. Whether you use infographics, short videos, or even music clips to enhance your content, it needs to be done with finesse and flair.
Obviously, you don’t have to approach blog content alone. Web developers likely have on-board writers who can set up content schedules with you. They are trained in the art of SEO content and can give you exactly what you’re looking for with little effort on your part. All you have to do is approve and give feedback. That leaves you more time to do what’s important- run your business. Don’t forget to check out Digital Solutions’ next piece on marketing for beginners: Social Media 101.