Whether you’re a brand new business or a well-established one, a digital marketing strategy can change the game. Creating a plan of action for your company that hones in on the digital demographic could boost profits, create customer loyalty, and increase your likelihood of being a top result on search engines.
1. Set Your Digital Marketing Strategy Goals
The first step in any strategy is figuring out what the end-goal is. Without a clear definition of what you’re working towards, progress can seem intangible and abstract. Start by asking you and the members of your team what the overall goal of your company is. A digital marketing strategy should be used as a tool to reach that overall goal.
Then, figure out the way that you can measure that goal. Whether your goal is to have a higher click-through rate on email offers or to become the number one result on Google for architecture firms in Illinois, you must be able to measure those results. Setting attainable, measurable goals increases satisfaction with your progress.
2. Set Your Budget
Next, you need to take an inventory of all the tools and resources that are available to you. From your team to your preexisting demographics, you probably have resources already that you weren’t aware of. Once you’ve taken stock of these, you can begin to plot out the costs of what else you need. If you have someone on your team who can code, you may not have to outsource website creation. If you have someone on your team who is an expert in graphic design, you won’t need to budget for a separate graphic designer. Jobs that can’t be completed in-house will need to be outsourced to an expert in digital marketing strategy.
3. Talk to the Experts
Once you’ve determined what cannot be done in-house, you will need to begin conferring with the experts who can help you reach your digital marketing goals. Digital marketing strategist, such as Digital Solutions, work with the clients to craft a marketing plan that fits the budget and ensures results. These companies create custom content based on frequently searched key words, design eye-catching browser and mobile sites, and even design apps that help your users utilize your services.
4. Monitor and Adjust
Even after you’ve implemented your new digital marketing strategy, it won’t be perfect from the jump. You will have to constantly monitor and adjust your tools, resources, and blueprints in order to be successful. For example, you may find that your in-house resources are feeling overworked due to the extra responsibilities and need to add an outsource company to your budget. You may find that app development is something that you don’t need or that your goals were too lofty. Digital marketing strategies don’t have a “set it and forget it” option. If you want to be successful, you must be willing to deviate from your original action plan until you find something that works for your business’ unique needs.