
How To Generate Leads From Your Business Blog

By |November 21st, 2014|Categories: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing|Tags: , , , , |

So you have finally started a business blog and you update it with search engine optimized posts three times a week. Your traffic isn't too bad, considering that the blog has been up and running for only a few months. Maybe you're even getting a thin trickle of leads. Good

How growth relates to trying new ideas

By |November 13th, 2014|Categories: Inbound Marketing|

Some of my favorite things today, I absolutely hated when I was a child.  Coffee, beets, spinach, a good days work, the list goes on and on.  Some of these I had to force myself to like (beets and coffee top that list) but soon enough I began to truly

Medical Internet Marketing Company

By |November 8th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

Internet Marketing for the Physician! I should probably preface physician with "busy" in the above title and make it clear that we understand how that characteristic can be seen as a catch-all term to summarize stress for most Doctors or Clinicians.  As an internet marketing agency based in Minneapolis, but

Google AdWords Seminar

By |November 5th, 2014|Categories: Events|

Digital Solutions is engaging in a FREE seminar! Come join us as Digital Solutions president, Marc Ohmann, will be speaking about Google AdWords. Google AdWords is the single fastest method today to drive targeted traffic to a website. And it is also the single fastest way to watch a budget

Is It Time For A New Website Design?

By |October 31st, 2014|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |

I remember a few years ago, NASCAR.com went through a major redesign. I visited that site every day, and I was used to the old design, so it took me some time to get used to the new design. All of the information was there, and the site looked more

Get to Know Your Customer in 2015

By |October 27th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

One of the most important things that you can do in 2015 is to get to know your customer. When you think about it, all of your efforts are based on this. The reason you have a website is because the consumer base has moved to making decisions and purchases

Medical Internet Marketing

By |October 6th, 2014|Categories: Inbound Marketing|

"The Doctor will see you now ..."   From a marketing perspective the question may be more along the lines of, “Will the patient see the Doctor anytime?” As a company we’ve had the privilege and responsibility of working with many Doctors and clinics over the years at various levels.

Content Marketing vs Storytelling

By |October 6th, 2014|Categories: Content Marketing|

"Content is king" has been the mantra of the content marketing world for years now. In essence, the saying is true -- it is difficult/expensive to increase your websites visibility and loyalty without content. All web marketing starts with content. But I believe we can go a step further. As

Getting Organized

By |September 29th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

  I have a huge appreciation for spaces that are well organized. I'm not saying I need everything to be perfect, but I like it when a space looks clean, and I know where everything is. That being said, I don't like going home right now. I just moved a

A Case For Video Marketing Ebook

By |September 24th, 2014|Categories: Ebooks, Events|

Did you know that website visitors who watch videos on your site are 85% more likely to buy than those who do not? Find out how Video Marketing can help improve your website's Lead Generation & sales performance in this free ebook!

Digital Lead Tracking Ebook

By |September 24th, 2014|Categories: Ebooks, Events|Tags: , , , , |

Are you ready to make your website work hard for you? Download our free Digital Lead Tracking Ebook to find out how!

5 keys for a better website RFP

By |September 11th, 2014|Categories: Inbound Marketing|

It's not often that we participate in the RFP (Request for Proposal) process for any new projects.  From our perspective RFPs tend to miss out on the heart of what will make a great website and inbound marketing campaign.  They tend to focus on finding the lowest cost solutions and