
As much as I am unsure that I’m happy to say it, 2014 is nearly over. It’s been a great year in many aspects, and websites & new website design is one of them. We’ve seen the waves of flat design, lazy loading, long scrolling and more fill our browsers and surfing the web has never been more pleasant on any of our devices. As per usual, the upcoming new year brings on our latest new website design trends for 2015! Sit back and enjoy.

1. Responsive or Bust.


Responsive web design took the website design world by force in 2013-2014. By now, if your new website design isn’t looking great on all devices (mobile, tablet, desktop), you’re way behind the curve. In 2015, more potential customers will be using their mobile phones & tablets to view your website than their desktop/laptop computers. If you don’t have a responsive website design, you’re shooting yourself in the foot! People want convenience, and convenience isn’t having to zoom on on a phone 10 times before your content is visible.

2. Large Background Videos/Images



The next new website design trend for 2015 is the large image/video background. In 2014, we saw plenty of large images as backgrounds as we viewed the cutting-edge websites. Now, there is a large flux of simple looping videos playing in the background as you visit some websites. We predict that this will be much more popular & common in 2015. One big benefit here is that your website analytics will show a big jump in page visit duration with this trend!

3. Subtle Design (A.k.a. Ghost Buttons)


One trend that has shown up a lot toward the end of 2014 is this concept of simplicity/subtlety as it pertains to Call to action opportunities. You may be thinking, “A subtle call to action? That’s a terrible idea!” In a way, I can’t disagree… unless it’s done well. These “ghost buttons” are a great example of subtlety and flare. They give a “I’m up-to-date” feel to them, and you can generally make them stand out quite well. This trend also promotes proper use of typography (as you can see from the next new website design trend!).

4. Typography


Typography has always been a big deal. It is how you use type to create your piece of art. In 2015, you can’t keep relying on just fancy textures on your background, or throwing images around everywhere to try to fill up a page. Your new website design has to have typography in mind. Use contrasting typefaces to get your point across.

5. Personalization


Our last new website design trend prediction for 2015 is the personalization of website content. Through the means of cookies, it is possible to show content that is relevant & specific to your returning website visitor. You’ve seen this in action if you’ve ever shopped on Amazon and have seen the “Things you’ve looked at” section. We see that more and more companies are taking their new website design and making it so that visitors get a more personal experience through blog content & more. This will be one of the big ones to figure out!

Well, we hope that this article has been helpful to bring to light the new website design trends for 2015. It’s going to be a big year for website design, and we’ve found that it is of critical importance to keep on top of that. Even the most untrained website visitor can tell that a website is out of date nowadays, and no one wants their marketing efforts of 2 years ago to push their prospective clients to a competitor. Please feel free to comment, as we love conversation! Have a question about your new website design, or want to see what we can do for you? Click here to get ahold of us!