"A Brand is not a product or a promise or a feeling. It's the sum of all the experiences you have with a company." – Amir Kassaei BRANDING IS MAKING A NAME: BUILD A BRAND, MAKE A NAME You might think that a brand hinges on a logo. Get a great logo and you will


“The more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in.” ― Henry Green WHY USER DETERMINED DESIGN (UDD)? User Determined Design, or UDD, looks to mesh your unique product with the needs of the particular niche market of consumers that will access you on the internet. You want to remain uniquely “you”

The Top 5 New Website Design Trends for 2015

As much as I am unsure that I'm happy to say it, 2014 is nearly over. It's been a great year in many aspects, and websites & new website design is one of them. We've seen the waves of flat design, lazy loading, long scrolling and more fill our browsers and surfing the web has

7 “Do’s” to Create Valuable Content (Plus a little bonus)

The process of creating regular, ongoing, consistent content can do a lot of positive things for your business, like: Builds your brand SEO Supplements Marketing efforts Reputation management Trust Authority But often times it can be difficult to continually be creative and come up with topics for content that will achieve your goals. I defiantly

No More Pretty Pictures With Google Authorship

Google makes a decision that impacts Content Marketers across the board. On June 25th, John Mueller announced that they would be “simplifying the way authorship is shown on mobile and desktop search results, removing the profile photo and circle count.” Up until now, connecting the appropriate profiles in order to set up Google Authorship has been a must for content writers with the possibility of increased click-through-rates and even a boost in page spots in search results. But now, things have changed a little bit, and here is how.

Popular Web Trends of 2014 – Slideshow!

It’s that time again! We’re half way through the year, and 2014 Web Trends are solidifying. Any business owners looking to maintain an up-to-date feel to their website will want to pay attention and work to implement some of these trends to their website. Remember, it’s all about that first impression: Are you going to wow a prospective client, or turn them away? Please enjoy the following slideshow:

3 Reasons to Integrate Video into Your Marketing (Video Marketing STATS!)

I spend a lot of time thinking about how to develop marketing plans. We always want to be continually move forward in an ever-changing industry of Inbound Marketing. Like many things, there are fads and trends, then there are major developments and movements that catch on

9 Reasons to Use Inforgraphics in Content Marketing

Like many, I am a huge advocate for Content Marketing. From blog articles, to social media posts, to ebooks, to cool looking images, without the creation of content my job as a marketer becomes disposable. Content is the fuel of digital marketers, and with the tsunami wave that is inbound marketing, content is often times the primary force behind successful marketing efforts.

Developing Your Personal Brand – InfoGraphic

Creating a personal brand has become more and more popular over the past decade. Developing a professional identity that allows you to stand out from the crowd is something that people want to pursue, and companies like to see this characteristic in the people they are adding to their company body.